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Herb range

Cathay Herbal now has over 140 classic formulas that are mostly in the form of concentrated pills or tablets. We have a range of pediatric formulas that come as water-soluble granules. In addition to this we have a herbal liniment, cough syrup and mediacted plasters.

Cathay Herbal also carries an extensive range of granulated single herbs. These are available in bottles that contain a single recommended daily dose and are completely soluble in hot water.

Item No. PIN YIN English Name Info
028  BU YANG HUAN WU WAN  Astragalus Anti-apoplexy Combination  Quickens the blood and tonifies the Qi: for sequel ... 
029  BU ZHONG YI QI WAN  Ginseng & Astragalus Combination  Qi tonic, raises the Yang Qi: for organ prolapse, ... 
031  CHAI HU SHU GAN WAN  Bupleurum & Cyperus Combination  Spreads the liver Qi, quickens the blood & allevia ... 
032  CHEN XIANG HUA QI WAN  Aquilaria Formula  Moves and tonifies the Qi: for constipation with f ... 
043  DANG GUI LIU HUANG WAN  Danggui, Astragalus & Coptis Combination  Nourishes Yin, clears heat, astricts the exterior: ... 
045  DING CHUAN WAN  Ginkgo Nut & Apricot Seed Combination  Resolves phlegm-heat blockage in the lung: for a ... 
046  DU HUO JI SHENG WAN  Du-huo & Loranthus Combination  Dispels wind-cold-dampness: for arthritic and rheu ... 
051  ER CHEN WAN  Citrus & Pinellia Combination  Resolves phlegm-dampness: for respiratory condit ... 
061  FANG FENG TONG SHENG WAN  Siler & Platycodon Combination  Clears both interior and exterior heat excess: f ... 
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